2021_22 IODASA State Squads EOI


Sun 01 Aug 2021 16:00 — Fri 20 Aug 2021 13:00
Venues as per schedule

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

IODASA are seeking expressions of interest for South Australian Optimist sailors to participate in - (subscription numbers permitting) -  a two-tiered  intensive State Based  Squad Training program - lead by head coach Alex Higgins.

These squads will be run by IODASA and are in addition to any Club training the sailors continue to participate in.

The training is scheduled to run from August to Decemeber 2021, to align the athletes peak performance with the commencement of the the Optimist Nationals in Freemantle  Jan 2022.

The two squads on offer are:- 

  1. Open  - this squad is targetted at sailors keen to attemp qualification for AOST squads for 2022
  2. Developing - this squad is targetted at intermediate sailors and or new to open sailors looking to advance to AOST selections beyond 2022.

This program is aimed at developing high performance sailors and will involve a significant commitment from accepting squad members.

We refer you to our earlier email document outlining the advice around a training program from the IODASA Head Coach Alex Higgins.  Link to document can be found by Clicking HERE

Squad Numbers will be limited to ensure quality of delivery of coaching. Please note - nommination of an EOI by a sailor does not guarantee a position into either squad. Further nommination of participation, in either squad, will be based on the head coaches squad  allocation recomendations following the qualification rounds in August. 

 Price of these squads is expected to be around $600 - $800 for the larger group, with the smaller squad up to $1000.  There will be no requirement of commitment until after squad selection has been completed in August.  

IODASA requests Sailors submit an Expression of Interest by completeing the attached EOI application form and emailing to

optisouthaustralia@gmail.com    extended to Friday 6th August 2021 .

Two selection days will be held in August (lockdown dependant) and it is anticipated squad training will commence in September.

download application form here



The program is provided as a guide to athletes participation in the programme.

Please note- Exact dates are yet to be set for the below program. However it is anticipated that trainings in the squads are anticipated to be run on scheduled saturdays, sundays and thursdays afterschool.



  • 2 x Half day training Sunday


AUGUST – Warming up in the cold

  • 3 x Full day training


SEPTEMBER – Spring has sprung

  • 2 x Full day training


OCTOBER – Daylight savings! Time to hit the water!

  • 3/4 Days End of school holiday training camp

Thursday night: Setup, sail shape/setup theory session

Friday: Full day training + theory session

Saturday: Full day training + movie night? BBQ? Games night?

Sunday: Morning training and pack-up

  • 2 x Afterschool 3hr training sessions
  • 2 x Morning half day sessions
  • 3 Days Mini serries

Thursday: training after school then theory session

Friday: racing after school then theory session

Saturday: single racing session with extended debrief

Sunday: single racing session then debrief and presentation


NOVEMBER – Heating Up!

  • 2 x Afterschool 3hr training sessions
  • 2 x Morning half day sessions
  • 3 Day Team racing weekend

Friday night: theory session (rules, combinations, simple traps)

Saturday: full day of team racing practice racing

Sunday: full day of team racing practice racing

  • 3 Day SA youth sail

Friday night: warm up 3hr sailing session, big fleet tactics theory session

Saturday: coached racing

Sunday: coached racing


DECEMBER – Final prep

  • 2 x 3hr training sessions
  • 2 x Morning half day sessions
  • SA youth clinic

Tuesday: racing practice + sports psych session

Wednesday: Fitness + physio session

Thursday: racing practice + nutrition session


Files for download
AH 2021-22 SEASON PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS TO IODASA State Squad Application 2021


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