Parents Code of Conduct

Parents' Code of Conduct

The Parents’ Code of Conduct below applies to all parents whose children are involved in club activities. Codes of Conduct give everyone a guide to what is expected of us if we are part of an organization, participating in a sport, or as spectators at our child’s events.

The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, trustworthiness and good citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of character”.

By taking part in or having children under your care take part in activities at an IODASA event, all parents agree that:

  • They will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all sailors, coaches and officials at every practice session and competition.
  • They will place the emotional and physical wellbeing of the child involved ahead of their personal desire to win.
  • They will encourage all children to sail in a safe and healthy environment.
  • They will inform any coaches or instructors of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of their child or the safety of others.
  • They will teach their child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that their child will never feel defeated by the results of a competitive event.
  • They will never ridicule or yell at their child or other participant for making a mistake or blame their child’s teammates for placement in a competition.
  • They will do my best to make sailing fun and will remember that any child participates in sports for his/her own enjoyment and satisfaction not their parent's.
  • They will ask their child to treat other sailors, coaches, fans, and officials with respect.
  • They will applaud a good effort in both victory and defeat emphasizing the positive accomplishments and learning from the mistakes.
  • They will teach their child to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
  • They will be a positive role model for their child and other sailors.
  • They will respect their child’s coach and refrain from coaching their child or other sailors during competitions and practices without first confirming with the coach because it may conflict with the coach’s plan or strategies.
  • They will respect the decisions of officials and their authority during competitions and teach their child to do likewise.
  • They will show appreciation and recognize the importance of volunteers and club officials.
  • They will support all the opponents in their child’s competition and respect the rights of all sailors to participate.
  • They will support the Racing Rules of Sailing, teaching their child accordingly so that we have an understanding and appreciation of the rules of competition and membership.
  • Unless sanctioned by IODASA, as an official or designated coach, parents will not challenge other sailors directly regarding on or off water sailing incidents between sailors. Sailing incidences are managed by IODASA’s sanctioned officials and when racing , through the prescribed processes as set out in the Racing Rules of Sailing.
  • Where volunteering on water, parents will as far as practical have 2 adults in support vessels. (Sanctioned Event Coaches excluded).
  • Parents will not use language, behaviour, tone or volume of voice that would be reasonably perceived as aggressive towards their own or other sailors or any other participants.
  • Parents will not bring the sport of Sailing, IODASA or fellow IODASA members into disrepute through their behaviour.

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